Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Benefits of Human Cloning :: Clones Biology

What is cloning? "Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means."( It has been used for thousands of years to produce plants. The next stage was to clone animals. Scientists can take unfertilized eggs of some small animals, and clone them, so they develop into full adults. After knowing that people realized how great it would be if we could clone humans. There would be a lot of advantages in cloning humans. Lets say someone will die if they can't get a heart transplant. If scientists could clone the human heart, they might be able to save that persons life. Also if they could clone a full human body, they could use the cloned bone marrow as a cure to leukemia. Scientists can also use some cloned animals organs for transplants. Or another big issue would be if you could not have a child with your husband or wife. Many couples around the world would give anything for a chance to have a child. With cloning they would be able to clone a human being that would grow up to be just like one of them. What can cloning do for you? If one of your family members was sick or dying of a disease, scientists will be able to clone them, so they will be normal again. Or maybe one of your pets needs a new liver, they can also clone one, so your pet can live. How would you like it if cloning could bring back some of the worlds most honored and respected people? For example, Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men alive. And with cloning, we could duplicate his DNA to create an exact replica of him. They could do the same for a sports legend or an award winning actor or actress. There are endless possibilities with cloning. What have we already cloned? We have cloned more than what the average person knows about. We have been cloning plants for a very long time. And we have cloned many small animals. Most people know about scientists cloning a sheep named Dolly, but what they don't know is that they have cloned many more small and large animals. They have cloned sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur.

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